Disability Insurance

In Canada, almost 50% of all mortgage foreclosures are a result of a disability, not death. Your ability to earn an income is your most valuable asset. Have you insured it as carefully as you have insured your home or your car? Without proper coverage, loss of income due to unforeseen events can be devastating. 

Disability insurance studies have shown that you are more likely to be unable to work than die prematurely. Unfortunately, accident or illness can strike without warning, at any time. On average, Canadians have about a one in four probability of suffering an illness or accident that will prevent them from working at least 90 days. The average length of a disability will exceed three years. Would you buy a lottery ticket if the odds were the same as the likelihood of being disabled by an accident or sickness?

Disability insurance is a simple measure that can ease financial burden should the unfortunate occur. Give special consideration to this type of insurance if you are self-employed. Both personal and business disability insurance solutions are available that offer flexibility and features to help bridge the gap between income and expenses during a disability.

To learn more about comprehensive, flexible Disability Insurance to protect you or your business, contact us today.